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Lymphatic Phlegm - Roughly Excised – Putrefindings, Morbidescriptions And Necrognoses - Slipcase CD
Lymphatic Phlegm - Roughly Excised – Putrefindings, Morbidescriptions And Necrognoses - Slipcase CD
Lymphatic Phlegm - Roughly Excised – Putrefindings, Morbidescriptions And Necrognoses - Slipcase CD
R$ 35,00
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Lymphatic Phlegm - Roughly Excised – Putrefindings, Morbidescriptions And Necrognoses

Terceiro álbum da banda Brasileira de Goregrind, lançado em 2022.

(Caixa Acrílica + Slipcase)
Ano: 2021
País: Brasil
Ano de Formação: 1996
Procedência: Nacional
Gravadora: Black Hole Productions
Estilo: Goregrind

01. Far Beyond The Clinical Horizon… Pathological Paroxysm
02. Causa Mortis: Transarterial Chemoembolization
03. T-Shaped – The “Bucket-handle” Thoraco-Abdominal Incision
04. Virchow’s “Organ-By-Organ” Dissection Display
05. Embalming Praxis – The Anti-putrefaction Procedures
06. Butyric Fermentation And Putrescent Liquefaction
07. Grave Wax / Mortuary Fat
08. Cadaveric Entomofauna, Post-mortem Interval And Death’s Time Determination – Chronological Progression Of The Putrescence Phenomena
09. Mégnin’s Decomposer Squad – The Eight Toilers Of The Dead
10. — Entr’Acte – Morbid Anatomy Of Baillie —
11. Extent Of The Primary Incision: From Symphysis Menti To Symphysis Pubis
12. Unveiled: The Mortified Visceral Puzzle Pieces
13. Pustule Eradication In Fits Of Insanity
14. Scorched By The Acids Of A Gastro-Intestinal Inferno
15. A Psychologically Vomitous Episode Involving Uncontrollable Hemorrhage
16. Shedding Of Necrotizing Cells (Pustule Eradication In Fits Of Insanity – Part 2)