Coagulate - The Art of Cryptosis
Coagulate - The Art of Cryptosis
Coagulate - The Art of Cryptosis
R$ 25,00
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Coagulate - The Art of Cryptosis

Demo da banda americana de Death Metal, lançado em 2020.

(Caixa Acrílica)
Ano: 2020
País: EUA
Ano de Formação: 2017
Procedência: Nacional
Gravadora: Black Hole Productions
Estilo: Death Metal

1. Fascist Dissection
2. 18th Parallel Succubus Masquerading Transcendence to Divinity (Liar upon the Cross)
3. Beneath Cruciform Hills
4. Protoplasmic Ensnarement (The Draining of Your Flesh)

Para fãs de Disma, Incantation, Krypts, Immolation, Suffocation, Dead Congregation, carcass, dismember, gorefest

CATEGORIAS: CDs, Death / Black / Thrash
TAGS: 25.00, Americana, CD Demo, Death Metal, Demo, Nacional