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Vomitory - All Heads Are Gonna Roll - Slipcase CD
Vomitory - All Heads Are Gonna Roll - Slipcase CD
Vomitory - All Heads Are Gonna Roll - Slipcase CD
R$ 45,00
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Vomitory - All Heads Are Gonna Roll

Nono álbum da banda sueca de Death Metal, lançado em 2023, versão com slipcase.

CD Simples (Caixa Acrílica + Slipcase)
Ano: 2023
País: Suécia
Ano de Formação: 1989
Procedência: Nacional
Gravadora: NACIONAL
Estilo: Death Metal

Track List :

1.All Heads Are Gonna Roll
3.Ode to the Meat Saw
4.The Deepest Tomb
5.Piece by Stinking Piece
6.Raped, Strangled, Sodomized, Dead
7.Dead Man Stalking
8.Disciples of the Damned
9.Dead World
10.Beg for Death

Para fãs de: Dissection, Unanimated, Necrophobic, Vinterland, Naglfar, Dawn, Lord Belial, Watain, Gates of Ishtar, Emperor, Uada, Cardinal Sin, Dark Fortress, Abyssos, Dark Funeral, Ophthalamia, The Spirit, Mgła, Batushka, Pillorian, Gaerea, Groza, Inquisition, Taake, Wiegedood, Батюшка, Cult of Fire, Batyushka, Behemoth, Rotting Christ, Belphegor

CATEGORIAS: CDs, Death / Black / Thrash
TAGS: 45.00, Death Metal, Nacional, Slipcase, Sueca